I want to turn the world down
Not off
But down
To find a bit more silence
A pause I can crawl into
Where I can sit and hide as the world buzzes
A sigh that I can stay in
So the world becomes nothing more than white noise
I want to surrender to the static
Not forever, but for awhile
Long enough so I can check my bones for breaks
Long enough so I can check my skin for splinters
Long enough so I can check my mind for cracks
To determine if I’m whole
And ready to return to the world
Or if I need to keep hiding inside deep breaths
And slow heartbeats
I’m not sure when you’ll see me
When I can raise the volume once again
Ready for reality and its racket
I think I prefer to stay here in the nothingness
Sanctuary in my erased space
I miss you, but I won’t be coming back
All I can say is sorry or
Come join me.