Tooooo depressed to come up with a catchy title


Depression looks like a lot of things. Me lying in bed covered with dirty laundry and old tissues. Faking a smile while pretending to teach in front of my computer. Crying to my parents over FaceTime. Laughing at sloth texts and Nicolas Cage memes people have been sending me. Petting my pups and holding onto hope. Sometimes you can’t see depression but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there. That someone isn’t struggling and could use some kindness. It’s cheesy I know but we all hurt and we can all help each other. Be patient. Listen. Show your love. We are all national treasures #cagequote

Thank you internet ❤



Dr. Rachel KallemWhitman
Dr. Rachel KallemWhitman

Written by Dr. Rachel KallemWhitman

Educator, advocate, and writer who has been shacking up with bipolar disorder since 2000. The “Dr.” is silent. The bad jokes are loud ❤

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